Brixham Theatre

Situated in the heart of historic Brixham, the current Town Hall building was constructed on the site of a former naval reservoir, from which pipes would have led down to the Kings Quay in the Harbour and were used for watering naval ships. The building always leaned to the right, because of subsidence into the mud.
The building was always called Brixham Town Hall and was designed by George Bridgman, the same local architect who designed the Palace Theatre, Paignton, It was officially opened on 1st October 1886, with a build cost of £3,000. About ~ The Friends of Brixham Theatre was formed in 2008 by a group of like minded individuals who were concerned that Brixham Theatre was under-used and was falling into disrepair. This group later re-named itself as Brixham Arts and Theatre Society (BATS), with a wider remit to support the arts in the Brixham area. Since being granted the full lease for Brixham Theatre in September 2013, the community group has become Brixham Arts & Theatre Society, a non-profit making company, limited by guarantee. The current Directors are Cecilia Potten and Suzy Miles and the Company Secretary is Olive Farnham. The Company Mission is to support and encourage artistic endeavour in the Brixham peninsula. Aims:Encouraging existing artistic groups Supporting new artistic ventures Promoting artistic aspirations Developing artistic opportunities for all generations Creating a central arts, theatre and community hub in Brixham Brixham Theatre is operated on a purely voluntary basis, by the BATS Members, with professional technicians contracted as required. All surplus funds are used to make improvements to the Theatre and to enhance the professional programme and specific artistic projects, including fostering new writing and creation.